We are so excited to launch the Clementine Kids blog and we're even more excited that Tiffany Tomkinson of Lickd Pops has agreed to write our fist post. Tiffany is the popsicle expert and we're pretty sure there aren't prettier or yummier popsicles out there.
I mean, seriously though. Look at them...
Tiffany wrote up some popsicle tips both for kids and for teething babies.

Nothing beats an popsicle on a blazing hot day, and your baby will agree. Especially when it comes to teething. Their poor baby gums can feel like they're strolling through Death Valley.
The best remedy for putting the fire out is letting them chomp on a homemade pop. Not only does it numb the gum, but it keeps them entertained.
With baby palates, less is more. They won't judge your cooking abilities, so no need to worry, anyone can do this! Take your baby's favorite fruit or veggie (or both combined), blend and freeze.
For the purpose of teething, the icier the pop the better. More water content in the pop will allow for a harder consistency and make the whole experience last longer. For that icy consistency, I recommend using watermelon. Watermelon is so yummy and it contains all the water that you would need naturally, so you won't need to add any. Use it on its own or as a base for a healthier pop by adding spinach or kale. Think green smoothie. The healthier the better but remember your baby isn't used to fancy, so keep it simple.

You'll want to freeze the mix in something that will be a good shape for your baby's mouth. You can get baby specific pop molds but if you want to use something kicking around your house that works too. Just make sure it's a good shape for them to suck on. If you already have pop molds, just fill them 1/4 or 1/2 way to make the amount more manageable for your little one.

If you aren't worried about teething and you just want a nice cool treat for your little one, the sky's the limit! You won't need to worry about them being icy and can do whatever you'd like. Use anything that you would use for baby food. Sweet potatoes are a huge fan favorite and give a super naturally creamy texture similar to cream without the dairy. Use it on it's own or again, as a base for other fruits or veggies to be added. As tempting as it may be, leave out the marshmallows and brown sugar!

Watermelon Teething Pops:
1. Cut up watermelon (as much as you want-any leftovers you should add lime juice and a tiny bit of sugar to for a nice Watermelon Limeade for yourself).
2. Blend in blender until very smooth and liquid.
3. Pour in molds and freeze for a few hours until solid.
*If you'd like to make it a tiny bit more substantial, throw in one or two kale leaves. Not enough to make it complicated but enough to add a few more nutrients.